Face Mask Disclaimer

Disclaimer: Custom Pins and Buckles is a Manufacturing company dealing in fine metal crafts and is in no way associated with the medical industry, CDC, WHO, FDA, or any other department or organization that deals in the health and safely of the American Citizens.

With the fluid change of day to day including the guidelines that govern the types of masks that will protect an individual from disease, we all know that no mask is 100% effective. We make no claims that wearing the KN95 will keep you from acquiring the COVID-19 Coronavirus, or any other virus. We do believe that wearing any mask is better than no protection at all. Our suppliers have informed us that the China KN95 Facial Masks are crafted under the same US Guidelines as the US N95 Masks.

With that being said, we offer these mask on the “At Your Own Risk” level of purchase. Custom Pins and Buckles make no guarantees or claims for the 100%
protection of these KN95 masks. This includes all literature on our site which is the sole property of the manufacturing company in China that is supplying us with these masks.

Custom Pins and Buckles, its management, and staff, cannot be held liable for the misuse of these mask being offered. Custom Pins and Buckles cannot be held liable for any defective masks. And as much as we would like to assure all
our wonderful customers that we had the American “Fix it All Mask”, we can only offer you something that will work to best of its ability. Staying home is always the best. This virus cannot travel from human to human without that person doing something to make that happen such as hand shakes, touching
the face, not washing hands, not staying at least 6 to 10 feet form others, coughing on others, and more.

For more information how you can stay safe during this Pandemic, please visit the CDC site by click on 

Please stay home and stay safe.

By checking the box, you agree that you have read an understand the terms of the sale of these KN95 Facial Masks and agree not to hold Custom Pins and Buckles liable for any person or group of people that contract COVID-19 or any other virus while wearing these masks.